Monday, July 6, 2009

To Dixon or Not To Dixon...

That is the question. It's spendy, a little risky, scary.. well, also exciting and new and a challenge. I wouldn't say the competition is completely easy. I mean, you just never really know what the outcome will be. Hmm... but I still think I should go for it. I mean, the more I show the pups the more chances they have to take points home. It will also help me gain more confidence for upcoming shows whether we win in Dixon or not. I think they might even have a best in show puppy competition that weekend too.

This show will most likely be a Major. They both need to win another Major in order to be titled champions. I know there are plenty of major shows coming up but I only have until November 17th for them to make champion in order to qualify for Eukanuba next year. Hmm... well, let's see.. there's the Portland shows, the Enumclaw shows, and there's a set in Idaho in October that I have to rearrange my schedule for but then that's it for all the chances to win a major. Argh...I thought they also had Ridgefield but that's on Dec 5th, way after their 1st birthday. That show will be too late to qualify them for Eukanuba. AHHH!!! That means I really should go. I need all the chances I can get and I believe my pups really have a good chance to take the points! God, I hope my car does ok for this long trip.

First we do the Sequim show and visit Lake Crescent in the Olympic Peninsula. After that weekend we head down to the Oregon Coast Monday and spend a couple of nights camping in Cape Lookout State Park. We have the option to stay till Friday or head down to Crater Lake and camp there a night or two. Then, Friday we head for Dixon. I'd like to stay in a hotel Friday, Saturday and Sunday then travel back Monday. It's a 12 hour drive so it's probably best to have the whole day traveling. Sounds like a nice trip, now to find the funds for it. YAY! TO DIXON!

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