Thursday, January 28, 2010

Khan wins Sweeps!

Khan took first place in his class of 5. Then Stormy took first place in her class of 3. Then Khan ultimately took Best Puppy in Sweeps on Wednesday at the Specialty, January 20th, 2010. :) GOOD JOB US!! Raven handled Khan in the final round while I stayed with Stormy. :) YAY! We did great!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

New Adventures

So, both pups are CH. Now we want the JH title and work on a Canadian CH. I am considering the obedience, agility and rally stuff too but there's a lot on my plate right now. We are moving end of May which is stressful enough in itself. I'm torn between living close to the city vs out in the country. Nationals is also in May and I'm planning on going but leaving the pups behind. It is very expensive and a lot of work for me to fly with them or even drive them across the country. I think I'll sit this one out but be there to watch and learn about all the dogs in Nationals. I'd like to take lots of pictures. :)