Thursday, July 9, 2009

Mt Vernon Wins

First day with Judge Judy A. Harrington.Finally we win something. It's been a while. I hope we keep on winning. In this show Khan was very excited. He got to see Seven and Blitz and it's been so long since he's seen them. He was just so excited. Stormy was just being a total flirt to Blitz. Just shameless, I tell ya. She was a cutie patutie pie. They all did really well and Khan took the prize for Winner's dog and also Best of Opposite to the Best of Breed. Woo hoo!

The odd thing was Destiny didn't get the breed and she was the only special. (The only CH). Winner's Bitch got the Best of Breed. That was a shock. That bitch that won doesn't even have any points yet. She could have been started late but still. Stormy has her beat with a Major and it frustrates me that she loses to that dog. I should probably look at the dog more closely. I don't even know if it's a nice dog. Must be since she keeps winning over Stormy. Ok, it's happened like 4 times but still. I can't wait to beat bitches with Stormy. I think Stormy is pretty awesome in her elegant way and she moves sooo nice.

Second day with Judge Walter Pinsker.On this day we showed by ourselves. I was nervous because I didn't have a second handler in case Stormy and Khan both went up for Best of Winners. Luckily, Randy Shepherd was there and he was nice enough to have one of his kids or assistants on hand in case I needed help. That was really awesome. He's such an nice guy. If I ever want a pro handler for any of my dogs, there's no question I would chose him. He's the nicest guy and his daughter the top junior handler and I think he has a son and they all do so well.

Someday I actually do hope I will need to have him handle one or more of my dogs, for a Major Crazy Special Show or something. :) For now, I'm really excited about doing it all on my own, learning the ropes. It sooo helps I have some of the best dogs in the country too.

So for this show, I really enjoyed the judge. I'm not sure where he is from but he had an accent and a certain flair and style. I liked him. He was fun. I'm really glad he chose Khan for Best of Winners for the point and for the picture. I think he is pretty cool.

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