Toula would have also been a great pooch to have but she found a home the same day we came to visit. I wanted to take home one of the two. I was really attracted to Toula when we saw her. She looked almost exactly like Khan because they had the same body and head type and coloring. I still think she is a total cutie patutie. I really liked her and I'm happy to hear she found a very nice home.
Storm is adjusting really very well here. She is a timid one but will come out of her shell. She was even flirting with Hank as soon as she met him. Both Hurricane (Khan) and Storm (Stormy) were running around chasing each other and playing keep away with a rawhide yesterday. Seeing that really made me happy as that was one of the main reasons I wanted another pup. They are both so super cute!
It's amazing how different she is from Khan. They are practically total opposites from each other. He is confident, a complete wriggle butt and overbearing. She is soft, careful, gentle and dainty. Both are very smart and eager to please especially if you have a treat they are into. She is a joy to have around. She plays fetch very well which makes me really happy. She is very quick to learn but don't get me wrong, she's no perfect angel. She can be sneaky if you're not paying attention as my housemate found out today.
He was nice and let them outside early but didn't realize the new pup was completely unfamiliar with the rules of the house. You can only imagine the chaos that must have happened. What can you expect from a puppy that's only been here a little over 48 hours? While he was cleaning after the mess I found a lotion cap partially chewed, the cat dishes empty on the floor, my guitar off of it's stand and pee puddles in three different areas inside the house. He was cleaning one of them when I got home. Poor guy. Luckily we have Pergo wood floors. I highly recommend them, by the way.
That's what made me realize how much work really goes into training a well behaved pooch. I love doing it but to others it seems like crazy work. I don't even see it as work. I just love training and seeing the results. Khan and Hank are practically perfect angels. Again, I didn't say perfect, I said practically perfect. Good training makes it easy to have several large dogs around and someday I would love to see 5 in the house (if they can behave).
Khan is so smart and easy that I thought it would be just as easy to add another. Oh how quickly I have forgotten how much repetition was needed. It's really not easy as pie unless you know what you are doing. Not only does it take the required combination of consistency and lots, and lots, and lots of patience, and the right amount of sternness when needed and as perfect timing as possible when delivering praise or repercussion but you also have to be able to direct your commands to dog and have them understand you. Currently, chaos easily ensues.
Stormy is timid and a bit overwhelmed with all the new things that are happening to her. She doesn't quite know what I'm saying let alone what I want from her. I learned right away that I needed to work with her one on one, teaching her the basics like sit and down. As soon as I did, she started to pick things up very quickly. She's one smart bitch. There are a few more commands she will learn as time goes on and soon, they will all be well behaved angels.
Right now all of them are peacefully napping in their beds in the living room. My favorite part is hearing all of them snoring. :)
Check her stack:
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