I saw this nice pup at a show, maybe 6 months ago, that I really liked. She was super dark roan with patches. My ultimate dog color would be super dark roan, very little patching with an all liver head. Basically like Khan but even darker roan. I want my bitch to be slender with, of course, a great head, front assembly and rear. Also, with great hunting lines.
Hey, Maggie at IAT Kennels is the color I'm looking for. I wonder if she is being bred again. She will be 6 years old in November. Hmm.. A Khan daughter would be another excellent bitch choice. He already has excellent bloodlines, excellent head, front and rear, I just have to prove it by Championing him. Well, there are many options to get a bitch.
I've been thinking about names. I want all the dogs I personally own to have KRIEG AUF VÖGELN as a kind of last name. I would then require that the pups would be KAV's (insert name here). That would be my very first and constant requirement. I'm tempted to require that I name all the dogs myself, actually. Make sure they are all registered, have it be included in the price. Anyway, here are a few names I've been considering:
I could keep going. Actually, I think I will be using all of those names someday. :) Which one should I use first? Perhaps there's another good one I just haven't thought of yet.
I like the name I thought of for It's About Time Kennels. That's where Blitz is from. The name works with the kennel name for my next dog. :)
I think it's neat.
There are many great litters that are being bred all the time. I have no need to rush but I really am excited. The most exciting breeding that I've found is between Diva, Flower Creek's Top Canada GSP 2008 (Khan's half sister) Owned by Legacyk:
I love her lines. She's slender, smooth, sleek, I just think she looks awesome. Muscle definition yet quite feminine. I love her deep chest and small waist. Her full brother, Cruiser, is also pretty awesome looking too. He's the top GSP in Australia for 2008. Khan and Seven have awesome siblings.
OK, bred to the up and coming new star in the GSP world:
* Westminster Kennel Club 2008 - Best of Breed
* AKC/Eukanuba National Championship 2008 - Best of Breed
* German Shorthaired Pointer Club of Canada National Specialty 2008 - Best of Breed
I am so excited for that breeding but I'm sure it's 1 - Crazy expensive and 2 - pups are already all sold.
That's ok. Patience is a virtue. It's best that I have a stable and spacious home, ready to receive the litter. Wait, I'd have to Champion my bitch before I breed anyway so that gives me at least year to prepare for any new pups. I could feasibly get a female now. :0 Hmm... wheels are turning.
Ok, I emailed for more information. What's the hurt in more information? If at all possible, I'd love to have a pup to champion from the breeding above. May the Gods help me make this happen. Then again, there are always excellent litters so I can take my time. :) OK, talk to you later.
**Just had to update**
There is another breeding I am excited about between the very dark roan Maggie:
CH IAT's Stealing Magnolias MH (Maggie)

And Elton, the very studly and accomplished Dual Champion:
DC Jaegerhof's Rocket Man JH

Yes, I've emailed for more information about both litters. I'm a wee bit partial to the latter breeding because of the hunting accomplishments and Maggie's super dark color and that this is Maggie's maybe last breeding. Ha, what a coincidence. Khan's dam is also called Maggie and he was from her last litter. I think she came in second for producing the most champion pups in 2008.
I know color is not the priority in choosing a champion but I am partial to a pup with the liver head, dark and little patching body. The second litter has already proven to produce very nice show and hunt pups. I believe this is Diva's first litter since she is only 2 years old so, I have time to get a pup from her in the future. If the breeding with Duncan produces awesome pups, they will most likely do a repeat breeding. :)
And another thing. If I get a bitch from the latter breeding, I would be tempted to do a tight breeding with Blitz. Maggie's dad is Robin Crest's Silver Spirit. A dog I really, really like except for the yellowing factor on him. Blaze, Blitz's dad, also a Silver Spirit son. Basically the grand-sire would be the same dog. That would be doing a "Tight Linebreeding" which would include the following: uncle/niece, aunt/nephew, granddaughter/grandfather, grandson/grandmother, 1st cousin/1st cousin, grandson/granddaughter. Blitz the grandson and a pup from the Maggie and Elton litter as the granddaughter to Silver Spirit. On paper I would think it would produce pups closer to Silver Spirit but you just never know. It would be a tight line breeding to the Robin Crest Bloodline.
CH Robin Crest Silver Spirit, JH, ROMX

If I get a bitch from Diva, it would be uncle/niece scenario with Khan and Seven to that puppy bitch which is still tight line breeding, not inbreeding. It would be a tight line breeding to the Minados Bloodline.
BIS/CH. Minados Oxton Grief's Encore, Khan's Dad.

Any further from 5 generations would be considered out-crossing. If Khan and Seven are not exceptional hunters I would out-cross them to a bitch with exceptional hunting abilities and vice versa. Hmm.... essentailly, I should get or breed to the top bitch from both litters. :) PUPS GALORE!
**Another update**
For the latter litter, I've only found 2 registered with AKC and neither show any points. 4 out of 11 pups are said to be competing in AKC conformation. I'm not sure how that was all decided but with Sarah's litters, they have been about 80% show. Granted there are not many shows through the winter but these pups are 3 months short of a year old. Bithdate: 07/15/2008. Gunnar was probabaly half way to his CH by this time. That's another half brother to Khan and Seven through their Dam, Maggie.
** And another update**
Elton has Minado lines which means if the pup was bread to Seven or Khan, it would probably be considered a line breeding with Minados lines. BIS/NSS Ch. Minado's Parade Drum Major if full brother to Jake, Khan's dad.
**Last Update**
Our breeder, Sarah, has actually been setting out her feelers for upcoming litters for a proper bitch for us already. It will be a little while but for the right bitch, I'm totally willing to wait as long as it takes.
In the mean time, she's letting me play with Stomy, Khan's sister. West Star's Perfect Storm. I'll be doing conformation shows with her and exposing her to the world. She's a bit timid now but she does open up after a while. She was doing really great by the next day at Raven's house, playing fetch with the boys, pointing, jumping in the air chasing bugs, and a bit of telling the boys she's not easily pushed around. She's doing really great.
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