Argh.. I forgot my camera in my mom's purse. We went to Magnusen off leash dog park today and it was crazy packed. Why oh why can't they expand the beach portion of the off leash park??? There are obviously many, many, many Seattlites that love it there. I absolutely just don't get it. The park is so obviously utilized to it's maximum capacity, every weekend and it's only been one of the first warm and sunny days of the year. It's only gonna get even more packed as it gets warmer.
We went to introduce Khan to water. I didn't want to drag him in but he wasn't interested in going in past his elbows so.. you guess it. I carried him into the water. FREEZING.. well, not actually freezing. It was actually pleasantly very cold. I mean, if you were doing something that got you sweaty, like kayaking or rowing or even biking or running near by, the temperature would have been awesome to be in. Yeah, hop off the bike, take off your clothes and dive in kind of refreshing coolness. That sweet water kind of feeling.
We had walked a while in the sun so I was pretty warm. I had shorts on with my Chaco sandals so going in was a natural move. The water felt really great. I went in at about mid thigh level so Khan was floating but he could also still touch the ground if he stood up on his hind legs. He didn't, he just paddled along. I can't wait for warmer waters. I LOVE SWIMMING!
He had a good tread a few times for a few seconds but he was mostly slapping the water with his front paws. At least he wasn't freaking out. He knew other dogs were swimming and having a blast. He was real easy going about it.. just something new that he hasn't quite mastered yet. I gave lots and lots and lots of praises of course and didn't let him swim back towards the shore until he had some hang of it. I think he did pretty well. We went out two separate times. I didn't want to keep him in the water too long as it was pretty cold. It felt soooo good.
He's pretty good about recall for a pup but I did manage to lose him in the crowd for a second but found his excellent movement right away. I did a quick scan of the crowded and busy (chaotic) park and quickly caught the smooth movement of my dog. He's awesome. Beautiful line down the back flowing right to the end of his tail. He is looking really great. I get so many compliments with him. I think people love his coat pattern. He's a gorgeous dog in any case. I love talking to people about him. I get so happy when they ask. I am really proud of him.
Anyway, it was a really good day. He's not bothered at all by any dog, no matter what size or situation. He met a German Shepherd with non-funtioning hind legs and also a three legged mix that was just as fast as he was. He doesn't care at all. From the largest Danes and Leons to the tiny tiniest Mini Dachshunds and Chihuies and Poms. Large, little, doesn't bother him at all. That park is great for exposure and socializing. He's got an advantage tho, he's got Raven's pack to teach him the way and me to keep an eye on everything.
I've been going to Magnusen since I moved to Seattle with my first and ultimately awesomest dog, Beaux. I love Seattle. As soon as I found out you can take dogs on the bus I was in absolute love with this city. This is home for me and I've been here over a decade now. I admit, I get sick of the rain and snow when it wont quit but there are plenty of things that make it awesome.
On the way to the park from Bothell we got a chance to see the Cascades and Mt Rainier. Pretty awesome in my opinion. From the park we went to Whole Foods Grocery for some organic goodies and saw the great Olympics. Just stunning and massive and beautiful. It's cold here, yes. It's wet here a lot too.. but I really do love it in the Puget Sound.
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