His parents and grandparents and on are all Champions. In fact, his grand-dam on his dad's side is in the GSP Hall of fame. I think his great grand-dam is also in the GSP hall of fame. Stormy has the same pedigree of course but I'll still order a copy of her papers. :) I would put up his papers here but I just read the advise to not do that due to some puppy mills stealing his info. ARGH! PUPPY MILLS ARE SOOO EVIL!

Stormy in her first ever show and she won reserve over adult females. :) This picture was the second time I did a show. Stormy got Reserve Winner's dog and I think that's pretty cool. She beat an adult that had a major. :) YAY!
I was sooo tired. I was oncall and worked overnight. I did not have any sleep. I'm glad Raven drove that day. I actually fell asleep on the way back. That's the first time I've slept in a moving vehicle. I was that tired.

A couple of weeks later we went to Spokane and Khan got his first Reserve win! This was my third time showing dogs. The judge was super nice and loved puppies. I really like her. She was even wearing my color. I was still a bit frantic in the show ring. There's video of this show in this blog if you look in the month of.. I think may 2009. More often than not, Khan gets reserve winner's dog. That means a lot of judges really like him.

And here we are again, with a MAJOR! This was my 6th time in the show ring. I put all the things I've learned in that whole showing weekend. Khan did so well. We were a great team. I was so happy for his win. The judge asked if I was ok and to keep breathing. :) It was pretty exciting to get a major for my pup. :) I had just gotten a major with Stormy the day before. :)
Hi Zarah! Finally got signed on. Great site! You might want to consider taking down that copy of your ped - a lot of puppy millers cruise the 'net and grab win pictures and pedigrees on "real" dogs, and represent them to their customers as being the parents of their mill puppies. Like ID theft. Then YOU have to prove that the offspring are NOT really out of your dog. Creepy people spoil things for the rest of us. I'm ready for some more strawberry shortcake already - how 'bout you?!