You'll never guess what I did. I got to the show, parked the car then realized I left my suits at home. I was ready to cry. Luckily I was there an hour and a half early and my housemate was kind enough to run them down. He was planning on going to the show but thought it was an early show. He didn't realize our show was 12:45 today. :) YAY, so I was saved. It's about an hour drive from Bothell to Puyallup. Thank God. I was seriously ready to cry on the phone, begging.
Argh, but no wins again. :/ Ehh, at least Khan got Reserve Winner's Dog. That's still something in my book. Just enough to keep me from feeling totally bummed. I don't get it though. I thought Stormy did really well today too as far as behavior in the ring goes. She didn't break gait.. well just once, maybe twice. :) And to be fair I wasn't the best handler for her either. I should have had her stacked way, way faster. I just get so flustered. I swear I will do much better tomorrow.
Oh well. There's no getting better without getting my self out there showing so keep going we must and keep getting better we all will. I hope we win something again soon. I'm excited for Canby, OR. It's 4 point major Saturday and 3 point major Sunday. I really have to get my game on. You just never know how it will go. Perhaps they will win again like in Idaho. God, I hope so.
I know judges think both Stormy and Khan are really nice in the ring. They both get reserve winners a lot. Khan is getting them more lately than Stormy. It used to be the other way around. For a beginner like me, reserve means something. I'm sure it is hard for most judges to place pups as winners. I hope someday they constantly take breed like Gunnar and Destiny.
For now, we celebrate the day with excellent dessert wine and key lime cheesecake courtesy of Costco. Mmmm.... this is truly how it's done.
Here are some vids from today's show:
Puyallup Show 2009
Khan and I come in about middle of the vid for Winner's Dog. We got Reserve Winner's Dog instead. Not too shabby.
Puyallup Show 2009
Next is Stormy in the Puppy 6-9 Months class. First Place! HA ha ha she was the only one there. :)
Puyallup Show 2009
Here she is again to try for Winner's Bitch. :( We didn't even get Reserve. I will strive to do even better!
Here they are lounging around at the house. I think Stormy is really feeling at home. She's Super GSP Girl!! So super cute.
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