The odd thing was Destiny didn't get the breed and she was the only special. (The only CH). Winner's Bitch got the Best of Breed. That was a shock. That bitch that won doesn't even have any points yet. She could have been started late but still. Stormy has her beat with a Major and it frustrates me that she loses to that dog. I should probably look at the dog more closely. I don't even know if it's a nice dog. Must be since she keeps winning over Stormy. Ok, it's happened like 4 times but still. I can't wait to beat bitches with Stormy. I think Stormy is pretty awesome in her elegant way and she moves sooo nice.
Second day with Judge Walter Pinsker.

Someday I actually do hope I will need to have him handle one or more of my dogs, for a Major Crazy Special Show or something. :) For now, I'm really excited about doing it all on my own, learning the ropes. It sooo helps I have some of the best dogs in the country too.
So for this show, I really enjoyed the judge. I'm not sure where he is from but he had an accent and a certain flair and style. I liked him. He was fun. I'm really glad he chose Khan for Best of Winners for the point and for the picture. I think he is pretty cool.
WOO HOO!!! WAY TO GO!! (I'm so proud of you both 8-)