There I am, nervous for the Spokane and Idaho dog show. We are almost on our way!
We got a late start as I was really scared of leaving my house and forgetting something but finally, I let go. I washed all the dogs, double checked everything and packed them all in my car. So nervous.
I got to Raven's and she was ready to go. Set the GPS and I played with my new G1 phone. It's pretty cool. It has GPS too but the battery runs out quick. We were checking the traffic on my phone. About two hours later, we hit the summit in stand-still traffic. A semi had rolled on the freeway and aparently some boats were damaged as well. It is memorial day weekend. Everyone was heading out to go camping and boating.
Two hours later we were traveling the speed limit again and finally made it to the house, I think around 10pm. Beautiful house. We even had our own room and each had our own bed! The pups stayed in Sandi's room, she snuggled with them most nights. They also had a crate to sleep.
Sandi has a black Dane named Mariah. She's a sweetheart. She shares the house with Nigel, a designer fluffy dog mix. He's a sweetheart. The house was awesome with a nice view. I love it. The back yard was what seemed like a 75 degree angle hill. Huge front yard. It was a really nice house.
So, next morning we packed up and met up with Sarah. She had all the crates and dogs set up as usual. She even had an extra crate for Khan and Stormy. They did so well!! Stormy took Reserve Winner's Bitch and Khan took Reserve Winner's Dog for the first day of showing. :) Check out the videos below.

The boys for the first day in Spokane:
Andrew, Khan and Seven
Zarah and Stormy
Stormy against her sister Katrina. Dog Show 5-23-09
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