So here she is, the Benelli M2. Pictured above is the 12 guage, black synthetic shotgun. She's not the most esthetically fancy but she is definitely the sweetest choice for my first shot gun. Granted the Cordoba or the Supersport would be even more ideal but they are also a bit more expensive too. The Benelli M2 is my happy medium. I'm interested in Browning Citori or Franchi for my stylish OUs and SxS. There is also the Browning Cynergy or the BT-99 that are nice. There are really a lot of very nice guns out there.
There's so much going on with the M2 to make it the best choice. The most important features for me are all the innovations which makes it the least recoiling 12 guage in this price range. There's the inertia driven action, the chevron stock, easily adjustable gel pad and even an adjustable comb for my cheek. I'm splitting the gun with Don so having it easily adjust to both of us is essential. These guns are about $1300 so splitting the cost will allow me to get started on shooting much sooner. If that doesn't pan out then I'll either have to wait until June or July probably just get the Super Nova Pump from Benelli.
I'll be doing trap shooting probably 90% of the time, at least for the first year or so. I currently live in Seattle and have a full time job so reality tells me I wont be hunting as much as I'd like. Besides, I'm a wuss when it comes to foul weather. I'll do my best to go out each weekend but at first, I'll be trying to get very, very good at hitting my targets. I need to handle the gun safely and have it be second nature. That, for me, takes a lot of practice too. Hitting my targets dead on is a requirement. I don't want to wound the animal. I need to make a clean, humane kill every time.
Trap loads have less kick back but I'm planning on shooting at least 50 rounds each day that I am at the shooting range. Hopefully I'm there more than once a week. After a while, I'm sure my shoulder will cry so getting the softest kicking 12g is very important to me. I really want to get good and am considering joining a woman's league as soon as I've learned how to hit the clay targets.
The Benelli M2 is also the gun used by Tom Knapp. I really like him. I've seen him on Bird Dogs Forever and he's a great guy. He's an exhibition shooter. He has the world record for shooting 10 clay targets, hand tossed, in 2.2 seconds. 10! Each one shot cleanly with a shotgun! He shoots Benelli. He also holds the record for fastest and most clays hit with a pump gun and that's also with a Benelli. His Benelli M1 has shot 480,000 rounds and is in a Museum. Benelli supplies the Marines with M4s too. I'm totally sold on Benelli.
I want their R1 Rifle and maybe even the Supernova Pump. :) But that's at least a year from now. Oh.. they are coming out with Vinci. It's funny because one of my co-workers wanted me to name my new puppy Vinci. Perhaps I should get the gun instead. :) I really wonder what this new shotgun is going to be like.
While on the Hunter's Education class, I happened to sit next to the owner of Adventure Sports in Lynnwood, WA. What are the chances? He was there for his son. Joel is great. I am impressed by him. He is really polite and he wasn't scared to answer questions in front of the whole class and he knew a lot about guns. They are both really good people. Very friendly and knowledgeable and have a passion for the sport. I'm definitely buying my guns from their shop. The Benelli M2 is only the first.
I'd also really like a sweet side by side and a really nice over-under someday. Mike, the owner, showed me a S&W, 20g, sxs today. I held that beautiful shotgun and wow. It was exquisite. It had this blue enameled thing going on with the action and it felt so light and easy in my hands. It is sleek and smooth, very clean and simple. It is elegant. As you probably can tell, I really liked this gun a lot. It was $2200 so.. it will be a while. I want to see many SxS and OUs before I make my choice. Instead of buying jewelry, I'm going to hand down my prized guns.
I want my SxS and OUs to be really nice collector pieces but not so nice that I'm afraid to use them. I'll be shopping for those in the future. It's a lot of money to start falling for guns. :) I'll start with my practical guns then get into collecting. :)
I'll never be able to buy a house in the city at this rate but that's alright with me. I think I'll just save for a decent piece of land out in the country to retire in someday. I'll be happy with that. :) Small organic farm, hunt often. Sounds peaceful. :)
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