Check out those trunks. His legs are so thick. I really love his feet. He's a little east-west because we really haven't been practicing. I'll practice every night starting tonight. That table has wheels so it's sorta hard to keep everything under control. Nice chest. Cute puppy.

I don't have him set up perfect but you get the idea. Nice hiney. His hocks should be straight up and down. He's sorta sliding on top of the table and the table is rolling too. He's about 32 pounds now. I'd really like to get tools to help with his stack. I like the ones that Robin Crest Kennels use on their pups.

I think his front and back legs can actually take being just a little more spread apart. I'm gonna start working in front of the mirror every day so that I get a feel for where his feet should be. I keep missing my conformation class on Mondays..grrrr. I'm always tired after work. I will definitely make sure to attend the next one. He always stacks so nicely for me, we just need more practice. I need to know what I'm doing. I really need to start going to my conformation class.
On his 7wk pics I was thinking that his hind legs didn't have the length I wanted but they are really turning out great. I was also worried that he's more long than tall but his legs are totally sprouting him up so he's shorter coupled than I was expecting, which is totally great. He's looking really very nice.
I'm really happy with how he's coming along and he has the best personality. Always happy go lucky, quite obedient considering he's still a young puppy and really eager to please. Loves all dogs and people, no food or toy aggression, no strange fears. He's really just the sweetest pup. He's my Khanathan. He is so great. Oh and let me tell ya, the baths? A complete joy to do. He's so easy to bathe!! I love him and I love GSPs!
And another thing. I am so in-love with his feet! His paws are beautifully compact and his foot pads, HUGE. His feet are one of my most favorite parts on Khan. I just love West Star pups compact feet. I love his head too. Such a sweet expression on him. He is such a handsome sweetheart.
His front baby teeth have come off and are being replaced with permanent teeth. I haven't checked his canines but I think the baby ones are still there. I can't wait till he's fully grown. He's cute now but he's gonna be sooo handsome soon. He has the sweetest face. I want his eyes to get even darker too.
His brother, Seven, is looking very nice also. I love his long muzzle and big nose and he's pretty well built already too. Raven and her mom are sharing in the raising of him. He looks really nice too. I think he's going to do really well. I hope we can champion our pups right away so that we can really focus on the field trial competitions. :)